Welcome to Dancing in the Moonlight

 Well, I've done websites before, but this time since so much time has passed, I felt that I should start all over with a new site and tell my story from the beginning.  It is a story long in the making, many years of darkness and now almost 9 full years of growth and understanding.  It's not been an easy task and it certainly is far from over.  But happily there are many players, characters involved in my story that has led it to be such a blessing in disguise.  I have decided to write it all out as a way to hopefully reach out and help others that may struggle the same demons as I, or those who love someone who is.  I hope that you find your way in and find help that you need, and you may always email me also.  So welcome to Dancing in the Moonlight, my walk through my life with BiPolar Disorder.  

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